Route calculation
Route calculation

New business in Croatia


1 Establish an official address in Croatia. According to the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, a company must have a Croatian address before it can register to do business.

2 Register your company with the Croatian Financial Agency (FINA). According to the World Bank, FINA verifies that the companys name is not already in use and helps you set up a business bank account in Croatia. The Croatian government requires you to deposit $3,500 (US) of capital for a private firm or $35,000 for a company with shareholders in a Croatian bank account before registration with FINA.


3 Notarize the deed of incorporation, FINA application, and company articles. Croatian regulation requires a notary to witness the signatures on all documents.

4 Submit a completed application with the notarized documents to FINA. According to the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, in addition to the notarized documents, a completed application includes the company name, amount of capital, list of owners and shareholders, an audit of the available capital, and a list of members of the board. As of April 2005, companies dont have to provide a statement explaining any outstanding debts to the Croatian pension fund or taxes.


5 Order an official seal and apply for a statistical registration number. A company seal or stamp must be used on all company documents. FINA can issue official seals and help applicants apply for a statistical registration number.



6 Register with the tax administration office in Croatia. Administrative offices are located throughout Croatia and an application must begin in a regional office. Once registration is complete, the tax administration office issues a tax identification number to the company.

7 Register with the Croatian pension and health insurance fund. Registration must be completed within 15 days of incorporation at the regional Croatian Pension Insurance Institute and the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance. Proof of incorporation, tax identification number, and registration form for each employee are required for registration.


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